Nothing to See

by Pete Caswell
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50.000 x 40.000 x 4.500 cm.
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Nothing to See
Pete Caswell
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Snowy Ski Lift Painting Grand Masiff. Remind you of anything? Are you like my wife and I, the lonely couple out in the blizzard with zero visibility, powder down your neck and trousers, frozen, can't see a bloody thing, no idea where you are, but you just have to keep skiing, only warmed by the occasional coffee sneaked with a touch of spirit. Is there anyone as daft as me out there, because I never see you when the conditions are like this. Even if you were there, I wouldn't see you as my goggles are full of snow and that is if I haven't planted my head 2 foot deep in the nearest unexpected drift. I may even still be there. I think this was the Bergin Chair but as I really couldn't see where I was going it could have been any chair in the Grand Masiff except for Flaine as you really could see less than nothing up there.
March 27th, 2017