Coffee Stop at Courmayeur

by Pete Caswell
Buy the Original Painting
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60.000 x 60.000 x 1.700 cm.
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Coffee Stop at Courmayeur
Pete Caswell
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
This was one of those sublime days. Had I not been to France the day before I would not have realised just how sublime. This little mountain hut served the most beautiful cup of coffee with a chocolate croissant in such a wonderful way, smiling happy with a wonderful exchange of conversation. This was to me sheer heaven having been at the mercy of some questionable and pricey French coffee and frowns in the preceding days. It was like paradise landed in a flying saucer with the chocolate flakes in my cappuccino, pure heaven. Letting my coffee moment float off to one side, not only was this such a memorable stop, but there was copious powder, deserted pistes, fresh tracks to be had on the black runs and all this under the glorious setting of Mt Blanc. Throw in my amazing Italian evening meal and the warm and friendly hospitality I was beginning to wonder if the Mt Blanc tunnel from France was a hallucinogenic hangover from the 60's. So back to the painting, beautiful deep texture, contrasting Larch trees, mountain huts and the glory of Mt Blanc as the back drop. Truly beautiful, a tribute to Italy. Loads of fun even without the coffee.
October 10th, 2019