A Real Drag in Heavy Snow

by Pete Caswell
Buy the Original Painting
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46.000 x 38.000 cm.
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A Real Drag in Heavy Snow
Pete Caswell
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas Paper
High up on the mountain skiing back down through the blowing snow and decreasing visibility, soft powder underski and just one more run before the fingers give out and a warm coffee is called for. Thats a lot of snow for the morning.
This painting is part of the Skiing Feeling and Snowing Snowboards Collection of sketches. So cold the trees shiver, so much icy cold snow it sucks the colour out of the trees, but it is so special, feeling not seeing, the warm glow inside. Where am I ? Haven't a bloody clue, but its snowing. More on this special collection at https://petecaswell.co.uk/wp2/that-skiing-feeling-snowboarding/ or on this print site https://pete-caswell.pixels.com/collections/the+skiing+feeling+and+snowing+snowboards
September 19th, 2021